Founded in 1910, Akita Konno Shoten Co. Ltd. has been supporting the fermentation culture in Japan.
What's New
Akita Konno Shoten is a comprehensive manufacturer producing the microbial starters such as koji starter and yeast.
In 1877, the Konno whose family business had been soy sauce brewing at Kariwano village, Akita Prefecture, established “Konno Shoten as a trader in brewing ingredients” at Kyoto Prefecture. While, since the economic situation deteriorated due to effects of the World War II and it became difficult to obtain raw materials, we came back to our hometown, Akita Prefecture which was famous as a rice-producing area. Fortunately, since then, our business keeps advancing continuously.
Here’s what is koji starter
There are many fermented foods available in Japan including sake, miso (bean taste), shoyu (soy sauce) and shochu (distilled spirit). Koji starter is an ingredient essential to the fermentation industry in Japan. We will introduce how to produce these fermented foods below.