Comprehensive Microbial Starter Manufacturer AKITA KONNO CO.,LTD


Products for brewing sake

Koji starter for ginjo making

Package form

Granular type: one bag contains 100g product for making 100kg koji.
Powder type*: one bag contains 100g product for making 100kg koji.

*available on request, so please contact us.

For special ginjo

(Benefit that could be gained: same as below)
De-koji1 with good quality of flavor, color and sabake2, and well-balanced enzyme3 could be produced with the aid of this “tukihaze4” type koji mold.

1de-koji, freshly made koji and/or the step brought out from the koji-making room
2sabake, the degree indicating how rice piles next to one another. The lower degree induces the better sabake, i.e, to be suitable for sake brewing.
3enzyme, to carry out saccharification
4 Tukihaze-type koji mold grows in patches on rice grains. When looking at rice grains from the side, there are places where either mycelium is developing or there is no mycelium. This koji mold produces high enzyme3 activity but low contents of the vitamin and fatty acid, resulting that the teste of sake made with this type of koji becomes lighter than that made with sohaze-type koji mold. While, sohaze-type koji mold covers the entire rice gain and stretches the mycelium, which then enters in it. Then, the koji mold produces high enzyme activity and yields the vitamin abundantly. Accordingly, this type koji mold is commonly used for making sake with rich and full taste and ordinary sake with distilled alcohol.

Gluco S for ginjo

Even being a long about propagating koji mold, activity of glucoamylase could be higher.

No.5 for ginjo

A “tukihaze” typed de-koji with pure white color and rich in taste could be produced. The sweetness of Ginjo sake could be edgy and very refreshing.

Hikami type for ginjo

Dried koji could be prepared under free of the influence of high-temperature treatment after final mixing of koji (to control both temperature and moisture as well as growth of koji in the room).

N54G for ginjo

Both glucoamylase and alpha-amylase could be produced with balance and a continuous supply of glucose is likely in the moromi.Ginjo sake with less miscellaneous but good taste could be made.

Koji starter for making sake

Package form

Granular type: one bag contains 200g product for making 200kg koji.
Powder type*: one bag contains 70g product for making 200kg koji.

*Products on request may be delivered after more than one month, so please contact us.


A strain with a high productive activity of leucine acid. Sake having a good balance of flavor and taste could be produced, in particular, suitable for making a high-grade one like a honjozo-syu (authentically-brewed sake).


Concentrations of fusel alcohol, aromatic alcohol and arginine which are related to taste components in sake could be suppressed and sake with good aftertaste could be produced.


All grow under an aerobic condition and mainly have high amylase activity. They are zenkyu type and characterized by a strong haze2 and a high baumé3 degree.

1mototate, seed mash
2haze, the extent how the mycelium of the mold stretches inside the steamed rice
3baumé, one of the values for specific gravity. Sake metre value= -10 x baumédegree.


Focusing on smell and taste, sake with no peculiar taste but transparent color could be easily produced.

Tsukihaze for Moromi

Fungal filament of the mold propagated with this koji starter tends to possess a morphological character as tsukihaze, namely, it not only distributes sparsely on the surface of streamed rice but breaks deeply into the steamed rice, and produces de-koji with inflated shape. More effective in case using either the koji-making machine (to make thinly spread koji), or the koji-buta (a shallow woody tray-like box for conventional koji-making) in the tray koji method.

Soft Konno

For making moromi (main mash) with rich in sweetness and savory taste. With its high activity of diastatic enzyme, a highly economical quality of sake with little sake kasu could be produced and characterized by a high tyrosinase activity and zenkan1 type.

1zenkan, explains the fermentation type in which the moromi (fermentation process) proceeds slowly (equivalent of “kan”) with low climb rate of temperature during the early (equivalent of “zen”) part of the process.

For liquefyung mash.Type A / B

This koji starter has a strong activity of liquefaction and is characterized by its high tyrosinase activity. It is provides as 2 forms; A form with zenkyu type and B form with zenkan type.


A strain with low tyrosinase activity. De-koji with a pure white color could be produced.


Koji fermentation with this strain is classified as the zenkyu1 type having a better aroma without brownish discoloration. Smooth and refreshing quality of sake with small amino acid content could be produced.

 1zenkyu,explain the fermentation type in which the moromi (fermentation process) proceeds rapidly (equivalent of “kyu”) with high temperature during the early (equivalent of “zen”) part of the process, i.e, a type with active proliferation during the early part of koji making.

For Mirin

The mold has an extremely high amylase activity and easily produce a unique flavor of mirin (sweet cooking rice wine).

Gekko No.5 with DF (deferriferrichyrsin) unproductive

A mutated koji starter with hardly produced ferriferrichyrsin which induced coloration of sake through binding iron in the peptide secreted from the koji mold during the fermentation process. Coloration of sake by this is estimated to be less than half when compared with that by Moromi-yo, as a control.

IV-2 (Exclusive to nama-zake)

A pure white koji mold with low productivity of isovaleraldehyde which is the precursor substance to produce Mure-ka1 in nama-zake. 1Mure-ka, unfavorable smell formed in non-pasteurized sake. A couple of causative agents are identified.

Ahlburg strain (The oldest koji starter)

An yellow koji isolated from rice koji in 1876 by Hermann Ahlburug who had been invited to Japan as a teacher at Dept. Medicine, the University of Tokyo.

*Products on request may be delivered after more than one month, so please contact us.

Koji Starter for SakeThe length of the fungal filament formedLevels of temperature changed during fermentation processLevels of aromatic odorGlucoamylaseα-amylaseAPA   ACP   Degree of brownish discoloration in koji made
For special Ginjomediumslowgood210113437724285±
Gluco S  for Ginjomediumslow rise in the beginninggood35888532164092
No. 5 for Ginjomediumslow rise in the beginninggood18157632622865±
Hikami type for Ginjomediumnormalgood220100030202995
N54G for Ginjomediumsharp rise in the beginninggood29552428575091+
Mototate-yomediumsharp rise in the beginningnormal285170040886832
Tukihaze for Moromilongslow rise in the beginninggood241136037405689
Soft Konnomediumslow rise in the beginningnormal314189042097923
For liquefying mash. Type Amedium-shortsharp rise in the beginninggood361202049008500
For liquefying mash. Type Bmediumslow rise in the beginningnormal315190042008000
Gekkolongslow rise in the beginninggood211140136305633
Hokutomediumsharp rise in the beginninghigh209133332314040
For Mirinmedium-shortnormalsweet322199146677901
Gekko No.5medium-shortnormalgood212160527294365
Exclusive to Namazake IV-2mediumnormalgood16252632014921
Ahlbrug strain(The oldest strain)mediumslow rise in the beginninggood149106030454021

Each enzyme activity represented as U/g (dry weight) was measured by means of the petri dish method in accordance with the standard method of analysis in National Research Institute of Brewing. All values may change depending on the difference in raw material rice and the method of making koji. Accordingly, data is an example and is no guarantee of the absolute value.

Koji mold capable of synthesizing citric acid for sake

Package form

Granular type: one bag contains 100g product for making 100kg koji.
Powder type: one bag contains 100g product for making 100kg koji.


  • White koji starter capable of synthesizing citric acid for sake
  • A selected koji starter for making a koji suitable for brewing sake with refreshing acidity.


  • Black koji starter capable of synthesizing citric acid for sake
  • Unique flavor peculiar to black koji could be given and the product is suitable for storage.
acidity Glucoamylase α-Glucosidase APA   ACP   Degree of brownish discoloration in koji made
(As a reference, data obtained using A. oryzae for sake is present)

Each enzyme activity represented as U/g (dry weight)was measured by means of the petri dish method at our laboratory in accordance with the standard method of analysis in National Research Institute of Brewing. All values may change depending on the difference in raw material rice1 and the method of making koji. Accordingly, data is an example and is no guarantee of the absolute value.

1MIYAMANISHIKI with 60% polishing rice was used for making koji and represented enzyme activities were measured.
